May Pastor's Pen

When they had eaten breakfast, Jesus asked Simon Peter,
“Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?”
The Greek verb used is agapao, often used to describe self-sacrificial love. Keep in mind that Jesus told his disciples (and us) that there is no greater love than the love that lays it all down for the sake of someone/something else.
“Do you love me more than these?” It’s been hotly debated what these Jesus is comparing himself to. The question could read, “Do you love me more than these other guys love me?”
“Do you love me more than you love them, more than you love your boat, more than you love fishing, more than you love the fish you just caught? It’s important to know how our love for Jesus compares to our love for something else.
Do you love him more than the television shows you binge on? Do you love him more than you love Penn State football? Do you love him more than you love Amazon or Wayfair? Do you love him more than money, your home, your family? Jesus’ question of Simon Peter naturally leads to pondering the ones listed above.
When Simon Peter affirmed his love for Jesus, the Greek verb is phileo, which is a brotherly/sisterly kind of love and affection – a love that is between good friends. In the past, Peter had claimed that his love for and commitment to Jesus were greater than that of the other disciples. And yet, here on the shoreline after the resurrection, perhaps unconsciously, he stops short of an all-in commitment to Christ.
If your love for the Lord were put to the test, would you pass? Would any of us pass? I yell and scream when Penn State scores a touchdown but I don’t like getting too emotional in church. I seem to collect books, many of them taking me months or years to read, but I can’t seem to find the time to meditate on Scripture.
How great is your love for the Lord? Do you love him more than ________? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you excel and where you fall short in the language of your love. What changes are you being asked to make?
I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you.
O, my soul, rejoice!
Take joy my King in what you hear;
may it be a sweet, sweet sound
in your ear.
Words and music by Laurie Klein
©1978 House of Mercy Music
Joel Nogle
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