


Featured Announcements

January/February Scripture List

Read along with us each month. Click on the post for the list of Scriptures.

Winter Weather Cancellation

In the event that weather conditions require a cancellation of services or activities at the church, an effort will be made to communicate that to members and friends through the email list, the One Call list, the church’s website and Facebook page, and the local news station WGAL and CBS21. You can also call the church and listen to the answering machine. Of course, even if services or activities are not cancelled, please do not attempt to come if you do not feel safe. Note: Please be advised that if Chambersburg Area School District BUILDING is closed or is dismissed early due to weather conditions, YOUTH GROUP will NOT be in session.

"Connection Café" Contemporary Worship Service

Our next Contemporary Worship Service will be Sunday, March 9th at 11:30 a.m. in the Brethren Life Center. This will be in addition to our current worship and Sunday school schedule, which will remain unchanged. This informal service, accompanied by a light brunch buffet, is being called Second Sunday “Connection Café,” offering “nourishment for your body, mind, heart, and soul.”

Volunteers needed for Youth Group Snack & Light Meal

Volunteers are needed to provide snacks and a light meal each week for our Youth Group meetings. If you are interested in helping, please sign up in the Brethren Life Center lobby!

Smart Cookies Candy Fundraiser 2025

Click here to view the catalog. Please place completed order forms and checks payable to Chambersburg Church of the Brethren in the box marked “Candy Sales” in the church library and lobby of the Brethren Life Center. Orders due March 9th. Orders will arrive in time for Easter! Your support for our “Smart Cookies” program is greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Needed: Non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry.

Place items in the barrel located in the Brethren Life Center Lobby. Please check expiration dates on the items as some have been outdated.

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