
Text the amount you want to donate to the number 84321

Text-to-Give Directions

Text the amount you want to donate as the subject to the number 84321.

If this is your first time texting-to-give, you will be asked to visit the link provided to fill out information needed. Search for the “Chambersburg Church of the Brethren” “17201” to find our church. The silver cross logo will be with our name. Choose this church and follow the directions to provide information. Please consider checking the box to cover the credit card processing fee (see below for more details). Once you have completed this, all future text-to-give donations will just require the text and you will be done!

Any giving processed online will still be credited in annual your giving statement.

Online Giving Directions

You can give online by clicking the “Give Online” icon. You will be directed to a secure platform to make your donation. You will notice our logo (silver cross) is at the top of the page. You will be directed to enter your donation amount, frequency (one-time or recurring), email, and first and last name.

Once this information is added, click continue. You can now enter your bank account information or credit card information. Please consider checking the box to cover the credit card processing fee (see below for more details). Once you have finished, you can click the button at the bottom “Give $ now.” You will be emailed a statement of your giving.

Any giving processed online will still be credited in annual your giving statement.

Mail in Offering

260 South Fourth Street; Chambersburg, PA 17201

Mail in Offering Directions

You can mail your offering to the church. Please make sure to include your offering envelope or full name so that your donation will be credited to your giving statement. 

You have the option of setting up an account so that your bank account/credit card information is saved for future donations. The account is housed through “Planning Center” which the church uses for other tracking and email communication. 

To set-up an account, click the gray face in the upper right corner next to our church logo. Click log in on the drop down menu. Enter a mobile phone number that you can receive text messages on. If you do not have a mobile phone, click “use email address instead” below the “next” button. Once entered, click next. Enter the code texted/emailed to you. Follow the directions to set-up your account. 

Cover Processing Fees

Choose to cover the online giving fee.

If you pay with a credit card, there is a check box labeled “Add $ to cover the processing fee.” This is optional. If you choose to check the box, you will pay the processing fee for using a credit card to make your donation instead of the church covering the fee. This fee is calculated based on a percentage of your donation and is added on top of your donation. For example, if you donate $20, an additional $0.75 will be added to your donation to cover this fee. Your credit card will be charged $20.75.

If you choose to transfer from your bank account, it is a flat fee of $0.30 regardless of the donation amount.