Pastoral Team Appreciation
On Sunday, February 25, 2024, we will take time during the worship service to thank and recognize our pastoral team for their undaunting and faithful service during the last 18 months.
We have been blessed to have such a talented team serving us in lieu of a permanent pastor. If you would like to recognize the pastoral team with a monetary gift, please use offering envelopes available in the church pews or mail checks to the church office.
Gift checks should be made payable to the Chambersburg Church of the Brethren and marked for the pastoral team.
The total monetary gift will be distributed equally among the pastors.
We will have a celebration time immediately following the service in the Brethren Life Center lobby. There will be no Sunday School.
If you wish to craft a special thank you card to the pastoral team, we will be collecting them on February 25th prior to the service.