Men’s Choir Practice
Calling All Men: A Men’s Choir is being formed, as part of the Fellowship Service and Cookout on July 9, 2023, at Norlo Park.
All men (ages 2 to 102!) are invited to join.
Practices will be held Saturday, June 10th (Unity in Christ Church, 4301 Philadelphia Avenue);
Saturday, June 17th (Brethren Life Center, 260 South Fourth Street – use the Elm Avenue parking lot entrance);
and Saturday June 24th (John Wesley AME Zion Church, 155 West Catherine Street).
All practices are at 1:00 pm.
It is not necessary to attend all practices. Mr. Ron Eshleman will be the Director and Mr. Phil Shuman will be the accompanist.
For more information contact Gary Mills at 717-709-0047. You can leave a message.